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Yann Coatanlem is CEO of DataCore Innovations LLC and President of the transatlantic think tank “Club Praxis”. He began his career at the investment bank Salomon Brothers before joining Citigroup where he headed a quantitative research department in New York. He is also a Foreign Trade Advisor and a member of the Board of Directors of the European-American Chamber of Commerce as well as the Paris School of Economics, the French Heritage Society, the Maison Française of New York University. He published in 2018 Le Gouvernement des citoyens (Presses Universitaires de France, special prize of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques). He also published in March 2022 with Antonio De Lecea Le Capitalisme contre les inégalités. Conjuguer équité et efficacité dans un monde instable [Presses Universitaires de France].