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Laurent Sanchez-Palencia

CNRS Research Director in Quantum Physics and Professor at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris)

Laurent Sanchez-Palencia heads the Quantum Matter team at Ecole Polytechnique's Centre de Physique Théorique. His work focuses on the theory of strongly correlated quantum systems, quantum simulation and ultra-cold atoms. His contributions have been rewarded by a Humboldt fellowship (2003), an ANR young researcher award (2010), an ERC-starting grant from the European Research Council (2011) and the Prix Leconte from the Académie des Sciences (2012). He teaches statistical physics and quantum optics at the École Polytechnique. Laurent Sanchez-Palencia is also Deputy Director of the Quantum-Saclay Centre (Université Paris-Saclay and Institut Polytechnique de Paris), which coordinates the development of quantum physics on the plateau.