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Gilles Grandjean obtained a Ph.D. in geophysics from the University of Montpellier (France) in 1992. After an one-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Polytechnic School of Montréal (Canada), he joined the French geological survey (BRGM). In 1995 he started working as a project leader in geophysics at BRGM. He then obtained a Professor Degree in 2000 and got the chair of geophysics at the University of Liège (Belgium) during a one-year sabbatical period. In 2009, at BRGM he took the responsibility of the head of the ground instabilities group and then Deputy Director of the Risk and Prevention Division there. He is currently Director of the Risks program at BRGM. His research activities are focused on geophysical and remote sensing imaging (tomography, inversion, image processing) applied to geotechnics (cavities detection, trenchless works, landscape management), geology (fracture imaging, soils characterization) or natural hazards (landslides, seismology). He his author of more than 65 international publications, and received in 2004 the EAGE Mintrop Award for the best paper in Near Surface Geophysics and in 2012 the best of Near Surface Geosciences presentations. He was involved, as coordinator or collaborator, in several national (French National Agency for Research, SIGMA, UNDERVOLC, ECOUPREF, SISCA, SAMCO, RICOCHET) or international projects (European 7th Framework Program, FP7-DIGISOIL, FP7-SAFELAND, FP7-MIAVITA, H2020-ESPRESSO, H2020-SERA) related to natural hazards and risks. He is co-director of the France 2030 scientific program on Risques (IRiMa) since 2023.