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Florence Fournet is Director of Research at Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), UMR MIVEGEC, Montpellier (France). Trained as a medical entomologist, she is interested in the links between the urban environment and health, using vector-borne diseases as indicators. She has worked in Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire for over 15 years on the socio-spatial disparities in the transmission of malaria and dengue fever in urban areas. She is currently leading a research project aimed at assessing the impact of the greening of the cities of Montpellier and Toulouse on the emergence of vector-borne diseases in humans, animals and plants. This project is based on collaboration between the two metropolises, Santé publique France, FREDON, the Toulouse National Veterinary School, the Montpellier and Toulouse Maisons des Sciences de l'Homme, and the IRD (UMR MIVEGEC and ESPACE-DEV). The V2MOC project is part of the research activities of the Défi clé risques infectieux et vecteurs en Occitanie (RIVOC), which is supported by the Occitanie region.