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Daniele Zullino

Head of Addictology in the Department of Mental Health and Psychiatry at Geneva University Hospitals

Daniele Zullino is a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, with extensive training in addiction psychiatry and psychotherapy. He is Head of the Addictology Department at Geneva University Hospital and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Geneva. The Addictology Department (a WHO collaborating centre) covers the entire spectrum of addiction psychiatry, with outpatient, semi-inpatient, inpatient and community services, ranging from the treatment of behavioural addictions and diacetylmorphine-assisted treatment to psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Among other things, Daniele Zullino is vice-president of the Swiss Society of Addiction Medicine, editor-in-chief of the Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy and a member of the current intercity working groups on the regulation of cannabis and cocaine.