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Daniel Priolo is currently an HDR lecturer in social psychology at the University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3. He is affiliated with the EPSYLON laboratory (Dynamics of human capacities and health behaviours). His research focuses on behavioural change (commitment, cognitive dissonance, social norms, nudge) and social perception (discrimination, stereotype, comparative optimism). He tries to demonstrate that the threat of the Self is more a moderator than a cause of these phenomena. His work
has been applied in several domains: health (Priolo & Liégeois, 2008), the promotion of eco-citizen behavior (Priolo, Milhabet, Codou, Fointiat, Lebarbenchon & Gabarrot, 2016), collective action (Girerd, Ray, Priolo, Codou & Bonnot, 2020) or the world of work (Auzoult, Priolo, Blanchet, & Guilbert, 2021)