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Claude Gronfier

Claude Gronfier

Researcher in Chronobiology at Inserm's Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon

Dr Claude Gronfier is a research neurobiologist at Inserm's Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre (CRNL). He specialises in sleep, biological rhythms and the non-visual effects of light. He is a former member of the Scientific Council of the European Society for Sleep Research (ESRS), currently President of the Société Francophone de Chronobiologie and Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institut National du Sommeil et de la Vigilance (INSV). He chaired the Anses report on ‘The health effects of night work’ (2016), co-authored the Anses report on the health effects of LED lights (2019), and chaired the Anses report on Chrono-nutrition (2024). He teaches at university level in France and Europe, has co-authored several books and chapters in scientific and general-interest publications, expert reports and consultations for various ministries, and has published 160 scientific articles.