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Anne Muxel

Research Director of Sociology and Political Science Research at CNRS (CEVIPOF/Sciences Po)

Anne Muxel is deputy director of the CEVIPOF and director of research in sociology and political science at the CNRS (CEVIPOF/Sciences Po). Her work in the field of political sociology focuses on understanding the ways in which individuals relate to politics and, more broadly, to the democratic system, by analysing their attitudes and behaviour (new forms of political expression, relationship with voting, modes of socialisation and construction of political identity). She has conducted numerous studies on the transmission of values in generational dynamics and is a recognised specialist in youth studies.

She has also opened up a whole field of research devoted to a sociology of the intimate, which she is developing through questions relating to the politicisation of individuals, the construction of individual and collective memory, and most recently the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on interpersonal relations and the conditions of otherness, the subject of a book published in 2021 by Odile Jacob, entitled: L'Autre à distance. Quand une pandémie touche à l'intime (The Other from a distance. When a pandemic touches the intimate). In collaboration with Adélaïde Zulfikarpasic, she also wrote Les Français sur le fil de l'engagement (The French on the edge of commitment), published by Éditions de l'Aube/Fondation Jean Jaurès in 2022, and, with Martial Foucault, Une jeunesse engagée (Committed young people), published by Presses de Sciences Po in 2022.