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Mars: how studying earthquakes changed our vision of the red planet

Philippe Logogné
Philippe Lognonné
Professor at Université Paris Cité and at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Key takeaways
  • Scientists are reporting on the first seismic signals measured on the planet Mars following NASA's InSight mission, launched in 2018.
  • Half of the large Martian tremors detected are linked to the presence of volcanoes that erupted in the region known as Cerberus Fossae in the past.
  • This discovery goes against the idea that seismic activity on Mars stems solely from the planet cooling and its crust cracking in different directions.
  • Furthermore, the Martian mantle does not have the same subdivisions as Earth's lower mantle, but instead has a sort of magma ocean at its base.
  • Meteorite impacts have revealed the presence of ice pockets beneath the surface of Mars, providing a better understanding of the planet for future missions.

Ter­res­tri­al seis­mol­o­gy pro­vides impor­tant infor­ma­tion on the inte­ri­or of our plan­et, includ­ing how it formed and evolved. The same applies to extrater­res­tri­al plan­ets with the very first seis­mic sig­nals mea­sured on the plan­et Mars report­ed by sci­en­tists fol­low­ing NASA’s InSight (Inte­ri­or Explo­ration using Seis­mic Inves­ti­ga­tions, Geo­desy and Heat Trans­port) mis­sion, launched in 2018. After four years of oper­a­tion on the Red Plan­et, researchers have detect­ed around 1,300 seis­mic events, the analy­sis of which will rev­o­lu­tionise our understanding.

Mars is not the first extrater­res­tri­al body on which sci­en­tists have detect­ed seis­mic activ­i­ty. Five seis­mome­ters oper­at­ed on the Moon between 1969 and 1977, mea­sur­ing tens of thou­sands of “moon­quakes”. Like the Moon, Mars lacks tec­ton­ic plates and should there­fore be much less active than the Earth in this respect.

Seismic activity largely due to volcanoes

“Of the 1,300 seis­mic events detect­ed on Mars, a good ten were caused by mete­orite impacts,” explains Philippe Lognon­né, pro­fes­sor at Uni­ver­sité Paris-Cité and Insti­tut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) who heads the team that built SEIS (Seis­mic Exper­i­ment for Inte­ri­or Struc­ture of Mars), InSight’s main seis­mome­ter. Of all the quakes, at least 50 are rel­a­tive­ly large, mea­sur­ing more than 2.5 on the Richter scale, with the largest mea­sured hav­ing a mag­ni­tude of 4.7. There are also almost a thou­sand small­er tremors, with a low­er mag­ni­tude of between 1 and 2.

SEIS, a rev­o­lu­tion­ary technology?

SEIS is the main sen­sor on the InSight mis­sion, which aims to deploy the first Mar­t­ian geo­phys­i­cal sta­tion. SEIS is equipped with a Very Broad­band (VBB) instru­ment, com­pa­ra­ble to those used by the Glob­al Earth Seis­mic Net­work, devel­oped by IPGP with the Cen­tre Nation­al d’É­tudes Spa­tiales (CNES), the prime con­trac­tor for SEIS, and car­ried out in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Switzer­land, the UK, the US and Ger­many. Addi­tion­al pay­load ele­ments include a high-pre­ci­sion track­ing sys­tem for geo­desy, a heat flux exper­i­ment, a three-axis mag­ne­tome­ter and a set of TWINS (Tem­per­a­ture and Wind for INSight) and pres­sure sen­sors, as well as a robot­ic arm and the cam­eras required to oper­ate SEIS on the ground. Launched on 5 May 2018, InSight suc­cess­ful­ly land­ed on Ely­si­um Plani­tia on 26 Novem­ber 2018 and deployed its seis­mome­ter short­ly after­wards. InSight (and SEIS) ter­mi­nat­ed oper­a­tions short­ly after 15 Decem­ber 2022 because of dust build-up on the solar panels.

Before InSight, it was thought that this type of seis­mic activ­i­ty was main­ly linked to the cool­ing under­way in the inte­ri­or of the plan­et, which caus­es side-to-side con­trac­tions and leads to an accu­mu­la­tion of stress points. These are released by rup­tures in the crust, gen­er­at­ing earth­quakes. InSight showed that only a small pro­por­tion of the earth­quakes could be explained in this way, how­ev­er. Indeed, the InSight researchers dis­cov­ered that half of the large Mar­t­ian tremors detect­ed all orig­i­nat­ed in a region called Cer­berus Fos­sae. “We know that vol­can­ism was active between 500 000 and 1 mil­lion years ago in this region,” explains Philippe Lognon­né. “Thanks to our mea­sure­ments, we also know that these tremors are almost con­tin­u­ous: not a month goes by with­out a small earthquake.”

“That half of the tremors detect­ed occur in this region implies that the vol­ca­noes that erupt­ed there in the past are prob­a­bly not extinct, but sim­ply dor­mant. This is the first major dis­cov­ery we made and, to be hon­est, no one in our team expect­ed this result. Until now, we thought that the seis­mic activ­i­ty on Mars came sole­ly from the plan­et cool­ing and its crust crack­ing in dif­fer­ent direc­tions. It’s amaz­ing to think that Mars is a plan­et that still has vol­canic tec­ton­ics asso­ci­at­ed with vol­ca­noes that could very well become active again in the future.”

Other major discoveries: a molten mantle and layers of ice beneath the surface

The sec­ond major dis­cov­ery made by InSight is that the Mar­t­ian man­tle does not have the same sub­di­vi­sions as Earth’s low­er man­tle. “In oth­er words, and even though the entire Mar­t­ian man­tle con­tains more or less the same types of rocks and min­er­als as the Earth’s upper man­tle, Mars does not have a low­er man­tle, but rather a kind of mag­ma ocean at its base.” Although this result is less sur­pris­ing, since it is plau­si­ble, it had nev­er been dis­cov­ered in anoth­er tel­luric plan­et. This unex­pect­ed dis­cov­ery shows that at the base of Mars’ man­tle, the liq­uid is not the same as that in the core.

Cred­its: NASA/J­PL-Cal­tech. In order: Earth, Mars, Moon.

“Again, few mem­bers of the team expect­ed this,” says Philippe Lognon­né. “We now realise that the actu­al struc­ture of Mars is very dif­fer­ent to that of Earth’s. On our plan­et, you first have a crust, then a sol­id man­tle divid­ed into two parts. At the base of the sol­id man­tle, there is a liq­uid core of iron and light ele­ments, and under­neath, a sol­id core of iron. On Mars, it’s not like that at all: we have a crust, a sol­id man­tle, but at the base of the sol­id man­tle, we have a molten man­tle that cov­ers a metal­lic core that is also molten and much rich­er in light ele­ments. Final­ly, we’ve had some rather nice sur­pris­es in terms of mete­orite impacts,” he explains. For exam­ple, a 150-m-wide crater not only gen­er­at­ed superb seis­mic waves but also revealed the pres­ence of pock­ets of ice beneath the sur­face. This dis­cov­ery could have impli­ca­tions for future manned mis­sions to Mars, as we now know that under­ground ice can be found in cer­tain places.”

InSight’s SEIS instru­ment col­lects infor­ma­tion about the Mar­t­ian crust by detect­ing seis­mic waves from sources such as tremors and mete­orite impacts that rever­ber­ate through­out the plan­et. As these waves trav­el through the inte­ri­or of Mars, they change speed and direc­tion at the bound­aries between the dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als in the crust. This means that, when mea­sured by SEIS, seis­mic waves from the same source can be detect­ed at dif­fer­ent times, depend­ing on the paths they have tak­en to reach the probe.

The speed at which seis­mic waves trav­el through rocks of dif­fer­ent den­si­ties varies accord­ing to their com­po­si­tion, the inter­sti­tial space and what fills that space – be it gas, water or ice. By analysing the dif­fer­ent times that seis­mic waves com­ing from the same sources reach the probe, researchers can deter­mine the com­po­si­tion of the plan­et’s interior.

“We use seis­mic waves as a kind of light to illu­mi­nate the inte­ri­or of the plan­et,” explains Philippe Lognon­né. “By analysing the data mea­sured by the seis­mome­ters, we can then ‘image’ the inte­ri­or, deter­mine the thick­ness of the main parts of the plan­et, the crust, the man­tle and the core, observe what is liq­uid and where and when water exists. These are the main areas of seis­mol­o­gy in gen­er­al and I think that with InSight we have made some first-rate dis­cov­er­ies in these fields. We can’t say that InSight has rev­o­lu­tionised seis­mol­o­gy in terms of data analy­sis tech­niques, but this sen­sor has cer­tain­ly been rev­o­lu­tion­ary in the sense that it has pro­vid­ed new data on a plan­et nev­er before vis­it­ed,” he concludes.

Interview by Isabelle Dumé

Find out more: 

  1. Explor­ing Mars’ struc­ture
  2. What are Marsquakes?


  • P. Lognon­né, W.B. Banerdt, J. Clin­ton, R.F. Gar­cia, D. Gia­r­di­ni, B. Knap­mey­er-Endrun, M. Pan­ning, W.T. Pike, Mars Seis­mol­o­gy,Annu­al Review of Earth and Plan­e­tary Sci­ences 2023 51:1, 643–670, https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-earth-031621–073318
  • Lognon­né, P., Schim­mel, M., Stutz­mann, E., Davis, P., Dril­leau, M., Sain­ton, G., et al. (2023). Detec­tion of Mars nor­mal modes from S1222a event and seis­mic hum. Geo­phys­i­cal Research Let­ters, 50, e2023GL103205. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​2​9​/​2​0​2​3​G​L​1​03205
  • Lognon­né, P., W.B. Banerdt,  W.T.Pike, D.Giardini, U.Christensen, R.F.Garcia,et al., Con­straints on the shal­low elas­tic and anelas­tic struc­ture of Mars from InSight seis­mic data, Nature Geo­science, 13, 213–220, doi: 10.1038/s41561-020‑0536‑y
  • Lognon­né, P., W.B.Banerdt, D.Giardini, W.T.Pike, U.Christensen, P.Laudet, et al, SEIS: Insight’s Seis­mic Exper­i­ment for Inter­nal Struc­ture of Mars, Space Sci Rev, 215, 12, doi: 10.1007/s11214-018‑0574‑6
  • Samuel, H., M. Dril­leau, A. Riv­ol­di­ni, Z. Xu, Q. Huang, R. F. Gar­cia, V. Lekic, J.C.E Irv­ing, J. Badro, P. H. Lognon­né, J. A. D. Con­nol­ly, T. Kawa­mu­ra, T. Gud­ko­va and W. B. Banerdt (2023). Geo­phys­i­cal evi­dence for an enriched molten sil­i­cate lay­er above Mars’s core, Nature, 622, 712–717, doi: 10.1038/s41586-023–06601‑8
  • Verdier, N., V. Ansan, P. Delage, K. S. Ali, E. Beu­cler, C. Char­alam­bous, E. Con­stant, A. Spi­ga, M. Golombek, E. Marteau, R. Lapeyre, E. Gaudin, C. Yana, K. Hurst, P. Lognon­né, and B. W. Banerdt (2023). Using wind dis­per­sion effects dur­ing the InSight teth­er bur­ial activ­i­ties to bet­ter con­strain the regolith grain size dis­tri­b­u­tion. Jour­nal of Geo­phys­i­cal Research: Plan­ets, 128, e2022JE007707. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​2​9​/​2​0​2​2​J​E​0​07707
  • Xu, Z., Bro­quet, A., Fuji, N., Kawa­mu­ra, T., Lognon­né, P., Mon­tag­n­er, J.-P., et al. (2023). Inves­ti­ga­tion of Mar­t­ian region­al crustal struc­ture near the dichoto­my using S1222a sur­face-wave group veloc­i­ties. Geo­phys­i­cal Research Let­ters, 50, e2023GL103136. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​2​9​/​2​0​2​3​G​L​1​03136

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