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Rising sea levels and subsiding towns: a double threat to the coastline

Rémi Thiéblemont
Engineer and researcher at the French Geological and Mining Research Bureau (BRGM)
Mélanie Becker
Mélanie Becker
Geophysicist and director of research at CNRS, expert in sea level science
Key takeaways
  • 11% of the world's population living in coastal areas are at threat from rising sea levels and subsidence.
  • Researchers have identified various causes including weight of residual sediments from the last great thaw or tectonic movements.
  • Human activity is undeniably playing a major role in this phenomenon.
  • Scientists are thus warning of threats to coastal populations, such as food security, flooding, and access to drinking water.

In 2020, almost 11% of the world’s pop­u­la­tion lived in coastal areas less than 10 metres above sea lev­el1.  This fig­ure could rise from near­ly 900 mil­lion to over a bil­lion by 2050. These people’s future is par­tic­u­lar­ly at risk. Of course, ris­ing sea lev­els – due to glob­al warm­ing – affect them direct­ly. But oth­er human activ­i­ties along the coast­line, which are caus­ing towns to sub­side, are also increas­ing risk – some­times in a major way.

Subsidence: a threat to our coasts

Between 2006 and 2018, the aver­age rise in glob­al sea lev­el is esti­mat­ed at 3.7 mm per year2. “The ther­mal expan­sion of the oceans – linked to the rise in tem­per­a­ture – and the melt­ing of glac­i­ers and ice caps are major fac­tors behind this increase,” explains Rémi Thieble­mont, a researcher in cli­ma­tol­ogy and coastal risks at BRGM. On a region­al lev­el, how­ev­er, when we look at the rise in rel­a­tive sea lev­el, the sea seems to be gain­ing much more ground. Rel­a­tive sea lev­el cor­re­sponds to the height of the sea lev­el in rela­tion to a local land ref­er­ence. A research team has pub­lished a study on this sub­ject in the jour­nal Nature Cli­mate Change3. On a glob­al scale, the rise in sea lev­el rel­a­tive to all coasts was 2.6 mm/year between 1993 and 2015. But when the researchers com­pare this with coastal pop­u­la­tion den­si­ty, the fig­ure is 4 times high­er, illus­trat­ing the impact of human activ­i­ties! The cause? The sub­si­dence of the coastal land.

This is known as sub­si­dence. This is a major phe­nom­e­non: “In some regions, the effect of sub­si­dence can be 10 times greater than that of sea-lev­el rise”, write the authors of an arti­cle in Nature Com­mu­ni­ca­tions4. They esti­mate that the impact of sub­si­dence equals that of sea-lev­el rise almost every­where along the east coast of the Unit­ed States, and can be as much as 6 mm/year. In an assess­ment cov­er­ing 99 coastal cities around the world5, anoth­er team found that in a third of the cities, neigh­bour­hoods were sink­ing by at least 10 mm/year. For some, such as Tian­jin, Semarang and Jakar­ta, the fig­ure ris­es to over 30 mm/year! Istan­bul, Lagos, Taipei, Mum­bai, Auck­land, Tam­pa Bay, Mani­la, Karachi… the authors under­line the scale of the phe­nom­e­non for cul­tur­al­ly and eco­nom­i­cal­ly impor­tant cities. Coastal plains and delta­ic regions are the areas most affect­ed world­wide6.

The cause: human activities and natural phenomena

How can this sub­si­dence be explained? It’s a com­plex phe­nom­e­non, which varies sig­nif­i­cant­ly from one place to anoth­er and over time7, but sci­en­tists always point first and fore­most to nat­ur­al process­es. “These process­es have been well doc­u­ment­ed, in par­tic­u­lar the fall­out from the last major deglacia­tion 12,000 years ago, which affect­ed the whole plan­et,” explains Mélanie Beck­er, a CNRS researcher in geo­physics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of La Rochelle. Large quan­ti­ties of sed­i­ment – par­ti­cles car­ried along by the waters – accu­mu­lat­ed upstream of the for­mer glacial val­leys. “In large delta­ic regions, the weight of these sed­i­ments still con­tributes to sub­si­dence, at a rate of a few mm/year”, adds Mélanie Beck­er. Con­verse­ly, the melt­ing of the great ice caps of the time still caus­es an uplift of the Earth, like a weight removed from a mat­tress. “This phe­nom­e­non is par­tic­u­lar­ly marked in North Amer­i­ca and Europe, where the rise in land lev­el can be as much as 10 mm/year: this helps to lim­it the rel­a­tive rise in sea lev­el,” explains Mélanie Beck­er. Around the edges of this upli­fit­ng land, oth­er areas are sub­sid­ing to com­pen­sate: this is par­tic­u­lar­ly the case for the east coast of the Unit­ed States, where the rise is of the order of a few mm/year. There are oth­er local nat­ur­al process­es: tec­ton­ic move­ments dur­ing earth­quakes, for exam­ple. These can cause very strong ver­ti­cal move­ments, of up to sev­er­al tens of centimetres.

These nat­ur­al phe­nom­e­na part­ly explain why coastal towns are par­tic­u­lar­ly affect­ed by sub­si­dence: many of them are locat­ed in delta­ic or seis­mi­cal­ly active regions. But human activ­i­ty also plays a major role. In New York, while the city is sink­ing by an aver­age of 1 to 2 mm/year due to deglacia­tion, some dis­tricts are sub­sid­ing at least twice as fast8. In Brook­lyn and Queens, the weight of the build­ings could explain this sub­si­dence: the authors of the study pub­lished in May 2023 point out that it could even last a hun­dred years.

An even more impor­tant anthro­pogenic fac­tor is the pump­ing of ground­wa­ter and hydro­car­bons. In the Long Beach region of Cal­i­for­nia, oil and gas extrac­tion since the 1940s has led to sub­si­dence of up to 8.8 metres9. In Bei­jing, ground­wa­ter extrac­tion caused a sub­si­dence peak of 137 mm/year in 2009. Jakar­ta is an emblem­at­ic exam­ple of the effects of ground­wa­ter pump­ing: the cap­i­tal has record­ed rates of up to 280 mm/year. World­wide, ground­wa­ter pump­ing is respon­si­ble for sub­si­dence in almost 60% of cas­es, and human activ­i­ties in gen­er­al in 77% of cas­es10. “Human activ­i­ties on coasts can accel­er­ate sub­si­dence, with rates up to 100 times greater than the absolute rise in sea lev­el”, write the authors of an inter­na­tion­al study on coastal zones.

One of the chal­lenges is to be able to make pro­jec­tions for the future

What are the con­se­quences? Com­bined with ris­ing sea lev­els, sub­si­dence is accel­er­at­ing the rise in rel­a­tive sea lev­els. Salin­i­sa­tion of wet­lands, changes to ecosys­tems, accel­er­at­ed ero­sion and flood dam­age: the lat­est IPCC11 report lists the con­se­quences. And in the future, these risks are like­ly to increase ten­fold well before 2100: “Extreme events – which are occur­ring more fre­quent­ly as a result of cli­mate change – are going to affect coastal towns more often because of this rel­a­tive rise,” points out Mélanie Beck­er. We are already see­ing these effects in the major Asian deltas, such as Bangladesh. In the Unit­ed States, the fre­quen­cy of coastal flood­ing is set to dou­ble by 2050 if only the rise in sea lev­el is tak­en into account. Sci­en­tists esti­mate that local­ly, due to sub­si­dence, these lev­els will be reached even ear­li­er. The effects on local pop­u­la­tions are sig­nif­i­cant, with food secu­ri­ty, water qual­i­ty and infra­struc­ture all under direct threat, “par­tic­u­lar­ly in the large deltas where the pop­u­la­tion is high”, points out Mélanie Beck­er. Anoth­er con­se­quence is an increase in the fre­quen­cy of chron­ic flood­ing, which has already been observed on the east coast of the Unit­ed States12. “These chron­ic floods are caused by tides and sea­son­al vari­a­tions in sea lev­el, and have major eco­nom­ic con­se­quences,” explains Rémi Thieblemont.

The sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty is now tak­ing steps to bet­ter char­ac­terise the phe­nom­e­non. “One of the chal­lenges is to be able to make pro­jec­tions for the future,” says Rémi Thieble­mont. It is in fact pos­si­ble to par­tial­ly halt the process: in Jakar­ta and Shang­hai, the reduc­tion in ground­wa­ter pump­ing has sig­nif­i­cant­ly slowed sub­si­dence. “The sub­si­dence of coastal cities is a known phe­nom­e­non, but one that is very lit­tle inte­grat­ed into adap­ta­tion strate­gies,” con­cludes Mélanie Beck­er. “It’s impor­tant to do some­thing about it”. 

Anaïs Marechal
1Glavovic, B.C., R. Daw­son, W. Chow, M. Garscha­gen, M. Haas­noot, C. Singh, and A. Thomas, 2022: Cross-Chap­ter Paper 2: Cities and Set­tle­ments by the Sea. In: Cli­mate Change 2022: Impacts, Adap­ta­tion and Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. Con­tri­bu­tion of Work­ing Group II to the Sixth Assess­ment Report of the Inter­gov­ern­men­tal Pan­el on Cli­mate Change [H.-O. Pört­ner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tign­or, E.S. Poloczan­s­ka, K. Minten­beck, A. Ale­gría, M. Craig, S. Langs­dorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.)]. Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Press, Cam­bridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, pp. 2163–2194, doi:10.1017/9781009325844.019.
2Fox-Kem­per, B., H.T. Hewitt, C. Xiao, G. Aðal­geirs­dót­tir, S.S. Dri­jfhout, T.L. Edwards, N.R. Golledge, M. Hemer, R.E. Kopp, G. Krin­ner, A. Mix, D. Notz, S. Now­ic­ki, I.S. Nurhati, L. Ruiz, J.-B. Sal­lée, A.B.A. Slan­gen, and Y. Yu, 2021: Ocean, Cryos­phere and Sea Lev­el Change. In Cli­mate Change 2021: The Phys­i­cal Sci­ence Basis. Con­tri­bu­tion of Work­ing Group I to the Sixth Assess­ment Report of the Inter­gov­ern­men­tal Pan­el on Cli­mate Change [Mas­son-Del­motte, V., P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S.L. Con­nors, C. Péan, S. Berg­er, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Gold­farb, M.I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lon­noy, J.B.R. Matthews, T.K. May­cock, T. Water­field, O. Yelekçi, R. Yu, and B. Zhou (eds.)]. Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Press, Cam­bridge, Unit­ed King­dom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 1211–1362, doi: 10.1017/9781009157896.011.
7https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1038/ s43017-020–00115‑x
11Coo­ley, S., D. Schoe­man, L. Bopp, P. Boyd, S. Don­ner, D.Y. Ghe­bre­hi­wet, S.-I. Ito, W. Kiessling, P. Mar­tinet­to, E. Ojea, M.-F. Racault, B. Rost, and M. Skern-Mau­ritzen, 2022: Oceans and Coastal Ecosys­tems and Their Ser­vices. In: Cli­mate Change 2022: Impacts, Adap­ta­tion and Vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. Con­tri­bu­tion of Work­ing Group II to the Sixth Assess­ment Report of the Inter­gov­ern­men­tal Pan­el on Cli­mate Change [H.-O. Pört­ner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tign­or, E.S. Poloczan­s­ka, K. Minten­beck, A. Ale­gría, M. Craig, S. Langs­dorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.)]. Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Press, Cam­bridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, pp. 379–550, doi:10.1017/9781009325844.005.

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