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Eric Labaye
π Science and technology

The Institut Polytechnique de Paris launches a review

Eric Labaye, President of École polytechnique and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Isabelle Méjean
π Economics π Geopolitics π Industry

Fragile supply chains: will industries return?

Isabelle Méjean, Head of economics department at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Best young French economist 2020
Arnaud Fontanet
π Health and biotech

“No normality without mass vaccination”

Arnaud Fontanet, Medical epidemiologist, Professor at Institut Pasteur, and Lecturer at CNAM
Gerard Mourou
π Science and technology π Energy

Super-powered lasers to transform nuclear waste

Gérard Mourou, Nobel prize in Physics and member of the Haut Collège de l'École polytechnique
Hervé Le Bras
π Health and biotech π Society

Population density: not a primary factor in Covid-19

Hervé Le Bras, Research director in demographics at EHESS and Emeritus research director at Ined
Nicolas Chopin
π Health and biotech π Society

Covid-19 death rates are higher than reported

Nicolas Chopin, Professor of data science and machine learning at the ENSAE Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics*
Julie Josse
π Health and biotech π Digital

Intensive care: an app that saved lives

Julie Josse, Researcher in statistics at Inria and lecturer at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Philippe Aghion
π Economics

Mobility: a solution to inequality?

Philippe Aghion, Professor at College de France and London School of Economics
Pascal Junghans
π Society

Managers and information: have times changed?

Pascal Junghans, Doctor in management science and President of CEREINEC
Antoine Bouët
π Economics

Are trade wars profitable and easy to win?

Antoine Bouët, Professor of economics at University of Bordeaux