
π Planet

Extreme rainfall: can we anticipate the risk of flooding?

Jan Polcher, Research Director at the Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (CNRS) and lecturer at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Shattered padlock cybersecurity breach binary code
π Digital π Science and technology π Society

Cybersecurity: why protecting public data is critical

Christophe Gaie, Head of the Engineering and Digital Innovation Division at the Prime Minister's Office, Jean Langlois-Berthelot, Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Head of Division in the French Army
Energy Storage Facility. Rows of batteries under open sky.
π Energy π Science and technology

Renewable energy: the growing need for storage solutions

Didier Dalmazzone, Professor of Chemistry and Processes at ENSTA (IP Paris)
Mars, the red planet with detailed surface features and craters in deep space. Blue Earth planet in outer space. mars and earth, concept
π Space π Science and technology

Mars: how studying earthquakes changed our vision of the red planet

Philippe Lognonné, Professor at Université Paris Cité and at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
Close up of a man smoking a marijuana cigarette with smoke coming out of his mouth.  Room for text
π Society π Health and biotech

Drug use and abuse of medicines are on the rise

Guillaume Airagnes, Lecturer at Université Paris Cité, Amine Benyamina, Professor at Paris Saclay Faculty of Medicine
Tractor spray fertilizer on green field drone high angle view, a
π Planet π Industry π Geopolitics

EU-Mercosur agreement: sorting the true from false

Charlotte Emlinger , Economist at CEPII and Doctor in Economics at Montpellier SupAgro, Mathieu Parenti, Professor at Paris School of Economics and Researcher at INRAE
π Planet

Why did it rain so much in 2024?

Simon Mittelberger, Climatologist at Météo-France specialising in Water Resources, Bertrand Decharme, CNRS Research Director at Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM), Eric Sauquet, Research Director in Hydrology at INRAE
1_cancer (1)
π Health and biotech π Society

Inequalities in the face of cancer: who are the most vulnerable?

Gwenn Menvielle, Research Director in Post-Cancer at Inserm, Aurore Loretti, Lecturer at ETHICS Laboratory's Medical Ethics Centre at Université Catholique de Lille
π Health and biotech π Science and technology π Society

Towards digitally-enhanced psychiatry

Pierre-Alexis Geoffroy, Professor of Medicine at Université Paris-Cité, Jean-Baptiste Masson, Laboratory Director and Researcher at Institut Pasteur and INRIA
π Planet π Science and technology

How scientists are studying the deep sea floor

Laurent Mortier, Professor at ENSTA (IP Paris)