
π Digital π Planet

AI, a new asset for weather forecasters

Samuel Morin, Director of Centre national de recherches météorologiques (CNRM)
π Space π Science and technology

BepiColombo mission: next stop, Mercury!

Lina Hadid, Astrophysicist and Researcher at Plasma Physics Laboratory at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris)
π Science and technology π Space

Better weather predictions with a new fleet of European satellites

Sébastien Léas, weather forecaster at Météo-France
π Society π Health and biotech

What are the psychological impacts of climate change?

Susan Clayton, Professor of Psychology at the College of Wooster, Ohio, Jessica Newberry Le Vay, Climate Change and Health Junior Policy Fellow at Imperial College London, Jyoti Mishra, founder and director of the NEATLabs at UC San Diego
π Energy π Science and technology

How recycling solar panels will help preserve energy security in Europe

Daniel Bajolet, Member of SAGSI (China) and Co-founder of ROSI
π Economics

Why inflation in the US and the eurozone are not the same

Patrick Artus, Head Economist at Natixis
IA enjeux
π Digital π Society

When algorithms replace humans, what is at stake? 

Véronique Steyer, Associate Professor in Innovation Management at École Polytechnique (IP Paris), Milie Taing, Founder and CEO of
Chatgpt writing assistance
π Digital π Society

Cheating or chatting: is ChatGPT a threat to education?

Julien Grimaud, Assistant Professor of Life Sciences at Sup’Biotech, Pavla Debeljak, Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics at Sup'Biotech, Frank Yates, Director of Research at Sup’Biotech Engineering School
Lightning storm over city in purple light
π Science and technology

The Lightning Rod project: a laser beam to control lightning

Aurélien Houard, Researcher at LOA* at ENSTA Paris (IP Paris)
π Science and technology π Planet π Industry

How to recycle CO2 using cold plasma 

Olivier Guaitella, research engineer at the Plasma Physics Laboratory (LPP*)