
π Industry π Planet

Limiting freight flows, still a taboo idea for the transition?

Aurélien Bigo, Research Associate of the Energy and Prosperity Chair at Institut Louis Bachelier
π Digital

Is fog computing the future of databases?

Guillaume Pierre, professor in computer science at the University of Rennes
Design sans titre
π Health and biotech π Society

Living without ageing: myth or reality?

Pierre-Marie Lledo, Research Director at CNRS, Head of Department at Institut Pasteur, and member of the European Academy of Sciences
π Society π Economics

“Eco-design should be favoured over recycling”

Lucie Domingo, teacher-researcher in eco-design at UniLaSalle Rennes | École des métiers de l'environnement
π Economics π Geopolitics

How to regulate circular economy at the international level?

Catherine Chevauché, chair of the ISO Circular Economy Technical Committee
π Science and technology

Loudspeakers: new materials in acoustics

Corinne Rouby, teacher-researcher in mechanics at ENSTA (IP Paris), Olivier Doaré, Professor in fluid mechanics at ENSTA Paris (IP Paris)
π Health and biotech

HIV: 40 years of pandemic

Tania Louis, PhD in biology and Columnist at Polytechnique Insights
π Space

Voyage to Mars: myth or reality?

Pierre Henriquet, Doctor in Nuclear Physics and Columnist at Polytechnique Insights
π Industry π Planet

Freight: why trains haven't (yet) replaced lorries

Aurélien Bigo, Research Associate of the Energy and Prosperity Chair at Institut Louis Bachelier
π Science and technology

The airship returns: what surprises are left in store?

Olivier Doaré, Professor in fluid mechanics at ENSTA Paris (IP Paris), Robin Le Mestre, PhD in Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Jean-Sébastien Schotté, Research fellow at ONERA