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Carbon capture faces its technological and economic limits

Paula Coussy
Paula Coussy
Head of CO2 Externalities Project at IFPEN
Florent Guillou
Florent Guillou
Process Design Engineer and Project Manager at IFPEN
Raphael Huyghe
Raphaël Huyghe
Program Manager at IFPEN in the Chemistry for Industry Results Center
Key takeaways
  • To achieve the target of capturing 450 million tonnes of CO2 by 2050, various decarbonisation strategies must be considered.
  • A study by ADEME shows that France’s climate inaction will cost between 5 and 7 points of annual GDP by 2100, underlining the economic importance of decarbonisation.
  • A sharp increase in the carbon penalty on the EU ETS is envisaged by 2035 for heavy investments, but the priority is to invest in CO2 capture.
  • The IPCC and the IEA consider capture, transport, storage and utilisation technologies for CO2 to be crucial to achieve decarbonisation targets for 2050.
  • This involves combining three decarbonisation levers: reduction of CO2 emissions, reduction of fossil fuels and direct carbon elimination.

The future con­tri­bu­tion of CCS (Car­bon Cap­ture and Stor­age) and CCU (Car­bon Cap­ture and Util­i­sa­tion) tech­nol­o­gy in decar­bon­i­sa­tion has become almost indis­putable. The ques­tion now being: what is the right strat­e­gy if we are to achieve the cap­ture of 450 mil­lion tonnes of CO2 by 2050?
“The path for the deploy­ment of CCS (stor­age) and CCU (util­i­sa­tion) is not set in stone, but it is imper­a­tive that States adopt a long-term vision,” says Paula Coussy, project man­ag­er for CO2 Exter­nal­i­ties, Mar­kets and Car­bon Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion at IFP Ener­gies nou­velles (IFPEN1), empha­sis­ing the impor­tance of Nation­al­ly Deter­mined Con­tri­bu­tions (NDCs). Key ele­ments of a plau­si­ble sce­nario include:

  1. cap­ture tech­nolo­gies must pri­ori­tise sec­tors with­out oth­er alter­na­tives for reduc­ing CO2 emissions;
  2. the first CCS and CCU val­ue chains must be in place by 2030 at the indus­tri­al sites cov­ered by the car­bon mar­ket (EU ETS2), which are the cement, chem­i­cal, steel and alu­mini­um industries;
  3. in line with the phas­ing in France, the cumu­la­tive cap­ture tar­get of 4 to 8 Mt CO2/year should be reached by 2035 by the indus­tri­al port hubs of Le Havre, Dunkirk, Saint-Nazaire and the Rhône corridor.

The Euro­pean strat­e­gy sets three mile­stones: stor­ing 50 Mt/year of CO2 by 2030, cap­tur­ing 280 Mt/year by 2040 (includ­ing 60 Mt/year by Direct Air Car­bon Cap­ture [DACC]), and 450 Mt/year (includ­ing 150 Mt/year by DACC) by 20503. Ambi­tious tar­gets that are achiev­able accord­ing to the experts… under “cer­tain con­di­tions”, first and fore­most of which is a car­bon price (EU ETS) to sup­port CCS and CCU investments.

Economic challenges to the deployment of CCS and CCU

“In the face of the Euro­pean leg­isla­tive and reg­u­la­to­ry frame­work, we have tools,” says Paula Coussy, point­ing out that from 2026, car­bon quo­tas should grad­u­al­ly dis­ap­pear in favour of the Car­bon Bor­der Adjust­ment Mech­a­nism (CBAM). These tools are those required to com­ply with Euro­pean Com­mis­sion direc­tives.
“In the run-up to its deploy­ment, the mar­ket will be dri­ven by reg­u­la­tion,” says Raphaël Huyghe, CO2 Cap­ture and Stor­age pro­gramme man­ag­er at IFPEN, empha­sis­ing the cost of inac­tion com­pared to the cost of action. For exam­ple, a study by ADEME (2023) esti­mates that cli­mate inac­tion for France would cost between 5 and 7 points of annu­al GDP by 2100, or more than €180bn, result­ing in a 13% reduc­tion in medi­an income by 2050, while the financ­ing cost for the action is esti­mat­ed at €66bn per year by 20304. On a glob­al scale, a study pub­lished by Nature5, esti­mates that inac­tion will result in $38tn in dam­ages by 2050, six times more than cli­mate action.

Certainty in investment versus uncertainty in the penalty

Today, accord­ing to Paula Coussy, the risk is not tech­ni­cal but finan­cial: “There is a gap between the cur­rent invest­ment need and the as-yet unknown car­bon penal­ty in 2050.” While com­mer­cial busi­ness mod­els are being built along the CCS and CCU val­ue chain, the aim is to “clar­i­fy the finan­cial respon­si­bil­i­ty of CO2” through a frame­work for the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of avoid­ed or elim­i­nat­ed emissions.

In view of the cost of the CCS and CCU val­ue chain, the car­bon penal­ty on the EU ETS, cur­rent­ly €80/t CO2, is in fact cur­rent­ly insuf­fi­cient incen­tive for heavy invest­ment, and is expect­ed to rise to €180/t CO2 in 2035. How­ev­er, “the long-term vision must be to invest in cap­ture” says Paula Coussy, not­ing that the cur­rent major­i­ty posi­tion of man­u­fac­tur­ers is to pre­fer pay­ing for CO2 emis­sions quo­tas. In their defence, the CCS val­ue chain is new to them (130 to 230 €/t CO2, depend­ing on the type of CCS val­ue chain), hence the need for emit­ters to join forces to reduce costs and pur­sue innovation. 

Technology as a lever

To achieve decar­bon­i­sa­tion tar­gets by 2050, the IPCC and the Inter­na­tion­al Ener­gy Agency believe that tech­nolo­gies for the cap­ture, trans­port, stor­age and use of CO2 are essen­tial. “It is a sequence of tech­no­log­i­cal build­ing blocks aimed at reduc­ing emis­sions of CO2 (the main cause of cli­mate change) that allow us to inte­grate its cap­ture, trans­port and stor­age,” explains Raphaël Huyghe, empha­sis­ing that the two val­ue chains, CCS and CCU, are com­ple­men­tary, but with dif­fer­ent purposes. 

How­ev­er, these “build­ing blocks” have been mas­tered tech­no­log­i­cal­ly and can be com­bined: we know how to cap­ture CO2 in indus­tri­al fumes (CO2 from fos­sil com­bus­tion), from bio­genic sources (CO2 from bio­mass com­bus­tion) or direct­ly in the atmos­phere using Direct Air Car­bon Cap­ture tech­nol­o­gy (with a low­er lev­el of matu­ri­ty, but which promis­es neg­a­tive emis­sions), we know how to inject it into sealed geo­log­i­cal for­ma­tions for per­ma­nent and safe stor­age and, final­ly, we also know how to use it to man­u­fac­ture prod­ucts and mate­ri­als.
While the cir­cu­lar car­bon econ­o­my mod­el using cap­tured CO2 in e‑fuels and e‑products is par­tic­u­lar­ly promis­ing, with the devel­op­ment of CO2 in Sus­tain­able Avi­a­tion Fuels (SAF), it is not at all on the scale of the stor­age that will rep­re­sent mil­lions of tonnes and must pro­vide the fastest pos­si­ble response to the cli­mate emergency.

“The tech­nol­o­gy has been devel­oped, is being imple­ment­ed in stages, and the chal­lenge is to roll it out on a large scale, on the one hand by reduc­ing costs through­out the CCUS val­ue chain, in par­tic­u­lar cap­ture, and on the oth­er hand by stim­u­lat­ing invest­ment through nation­al and Euro­pean strate­gies or poli­cies and pub­lic fund­ing com­bined with finan­cial mech­a­nisms (CCfd),” sum­maris­es Raphaël Huyghe. The tech­nol­o­gy must be based on its tech­no-eco­nom­ic via­bil­i­ty to enable large-scale deploy­ment in order to move from 50 Mt of CO2 cap­tured in 2025 to 1 Gt in 2030 and 6 Gt of CO2 in 20506), and at the same time it will be nec­es­sary to accel­er­ate the devel­op­ment of stor­age sites and coor­di­nate all the play­ers in the val­ue chain.
“We have known how to cap­ture CO2 for a cen­tu­ry, but today we are chang­ing our objec­tive,” con­firms Flo­rent Guil­lou, CCS project man­ag­er, spec­i­fy­ing that in Europe’s “net zero” in Europe by 2050 (EU Indus­tri­al Car­bon Man­age­ment Strat­e­gy, Feb­ru­ary 2024), it is a ques­tion of com­bin­ing 3 decar­bon­i­sa­tion levers: the reduc­tion of CO2 emis­sions, the defos­sil­i­sa­tion of uses and the direct elim­i­na­tion of car­bon. Among the four types of CO2 cap­ture (pre-com­bus­tion, oxy-com­bus­tion, post-com­bus­tion and DACC), two have been test­ed and are now ready for industrialisation:

  • DMXTM tech­nol­o­gy enables sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion post-com­bus­tion CO2 cap­ture. The indus­tri­al pro­to­type, built and oper­at­ed at the Arcelor­Mit­tal site in Dunkirk as part of the Euro­pean 3D/DinamX project coor­di­nat­ed by IFPEN, has val­i­dat­ed the per­for­mance of the process (11 Euro­pean Union part­ners for 5 years [2019–2024] with a bud­get of €24m).
  • CLC tech­nol­o­gy (chem­i­cal loop­ing com­bus­tion of sol­id fossil/biomass charges [1 t/h]) is the result of 7 years of R&D (2017–2024) by 9 part­ners from the Euro­pean Union and Chi­na with an over­all bud­get of €22m7.

“These tech­nolo­gies are now ready for com­mer­cial­i­sa­tion among large emit­ters, and our future devel­op­ments will con­sist of inten­si­fy­ing the process­es for more com­pact and more acces­si­ble units, intend­ed for small and medi­um-sized emit­ters,” says Flo­rent Guil­lou.
After almost a cen­tu­ry of expe­ri­ence in CO2 sep­a­ra­tion, the time has come to democ­ra­tise tech­nolo­gies to help meet the chal­lenge of com­bat­ing cli­mate change. While CCUS tech­nol­o­gy is not the one­glob­al solu­tion to decar­bon­i­sa­tion, it can be a major play­er in it!

Nathaly Mermet
1IFP Ener­gies nou­velles (IFPEN) is a major play­er in research and train­ing in the fields of ener­gy, trans­port and the envi­ron­ment. Rang­ing from sci­en­tif­ic con­cepts in fun­da­men­tal research to tech­no­log­i­cal solu­tions in applied research, its action is struc­tured around four strate­gic ori­en­ta­tions: 1) cli­mate, envi­ron­ment and cir­cu­lar econ­o­my; 2) renew­able ener­gies; 3) sus­tain­able mobil­i­ty and 4) respon­si­ble hydro­car­bons.
2Euro­pean Union Emis­sions Trad­ing Scheme
3Net Zero Indus­try Act, 2023, https://​ec​.europa​.eu/​c​o​m​m​i​s​s​i​o​n​/​p​r​e​s​s​c​o​r​n​e​r​/​d​e​t​a​i​l​/​e​n​/​q​a​n​d​a​_​2​4_586
4Report by J.Pisani-Ferry – S.Mahfouz, 2023, https://​www​.strate​gie​.gouv​.fr/​f​i​l​e​s​/​f​i​l​e​s​/​P​u​b​l​i​c​a​t​i​o​n​s​/​R​a​p​p​o​r​t​/​2​0​2​3​-​i​n​c​i​d​e​n​c​e​s​-​e​c​o​n​o​m​i​q​u​e​s​-​r​a​p​p​o​r​t​-​p​i​s​a​n​i​-​5​j​u​i​n.pdf.
5Kotz, M., Lev­er­mann, A. & Wenz, L. The eco­nom­ic com­mit­ment of cli­mate change. Nature 628, 551–557 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024–07219‑0
6IEA (2023), Net Zero Roadmap: A Glob­al Path­way to Keep the 1.5 °C Goal in Reach, IEA, Paris https://www.iea.org/reports/net-zero-roadmap-a-global-pathway-to-keep-the-15–0c-goal-in-reach, Licence: CC BY 4.0
7EU CHEERS project, https://​cordis​.europa​.eu/​p​r​o​j​e​c​t​/​i​d​/​7​6​4​6​9​7​/​r​e​p​o​rting.

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