Digital public services: a major challenge for democracy
- When citizens have confidence in digital public services, they use them more and recommend them to those around them, which helps to develop their use.
- Research shows that trust in the State’s digital services is based on trust in the government itself, before being extended to digital technologies.
- Factors such as familiarity with digital tools also influence the adoption of online services, hence the need to provide support for less well-trained members of the public.
- The security of services is a major issue: the cybersecurity of public bodies needs to be strengthened, in particular by drawing on the recommendations of the ANSSI.
- To strengthen public confidence in the State’s digital services, we need to ensure that access to information is transparent and that interfaces are easy to use.
In recent years, the proliferation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their widespread adoption have encouraged the digitisation of public services. By 2022, the French government’s IT services had digitised 83% of the 250 most frequently used administrative procedures1. France is also a fully committed player in the development of a modern government digital information system that meets the needs of citizens, as demonstrated by its ranking in 9th place by the OECD (score of 0.665 for the composite indicator), with two major strengths: the area relating to user data and the area of opening up public data by default2.
However, the situation remains mixed. On the one hand, a gradual increase in the use of online services (67% of adults have carried out at least one administrative procedure online) but, on the other, a high level of abandonment (32% of French people have abandoned an administrative procedure online in 2021), revealing the limits of dematerialisation3. In fact, the October 2024 observatory of the State’s digital services4 identified sixteen applications with below-average user satisfaction. By valuing the user’s opinion, this evaluation helps to strengthen the bond of trust and to co-construct better quality digital public services with the user.
Many researchers are interested in the emergence, development and adoption of digital administrative services and are contributing to the understanding of e‑Government5. Several factors contribute to the successful implementation of e‑Government by government IT specialists and its use by citizens: technological mastery, available human skills, understanding of public policies and availability of financial resources. The convergence of these factors means that services can be deployed that meet the expectations of citizens and thereby win their satisfaction and trust.
What is trust in digital public services? What purpose does it serve?
Trust in digital public services is multi-faceted, since it is expressed in terms of the different modes of interaction: it concerns citizens’ views in the context of “Government to Citizen” (G2C), those of public employees in the context of “Government to Employee” (G2E), those of public bodies in the context of “Government to Government” (G2G) and those of private players in the context of “Government to Business” (G2B6). Each of the parties involved has different expectations. Firstly, citizens are looking for public services that are simple, user-friendly and relevant to their daily lives; they need to be able to trust that the information held by the administration is reliable, that the rules are being applied correctly and that they can lodge an appeal.
For their part, public servants appreciate the availability of effective, comprehensive solutions that can be integrated into their workstations. They place their trust in applications that are reliable in terms of data quality, the accuracy of the results obtained and the safeguarding of their work. Furthermore, public bodies have needs for confidence that go beyond data quality, since they need a reliable and resilient information exchange system (e.g. the State’s interministerial network operated by DINUM) as well as guarantees of availability of cascading applications (e.g. the pay of State employees is necessary for the Déclaration Sociale Nominative (Nominative Social Declaration), which is essential for their deduction at source, etc.). Finally, businesses need greater simplicity and clarity if they are to have confidence in the State and therefore in its digital services. The sheer number of procedures and contacts involved in setting up a business, managing its finances and accounts or closing it down is currently the subject of a certain amount of mistrust on the part of the private sector.

Trust in the State’s digital services is essential if we are to develop their use. Indeed, when citizens have confidence in the digital resources available to them, they are more inclined to use them on a daily basis for their administrative procedures, and also to recommend them to their friends and family. This simplifies life for users, who are no longer obliged to travel to obtain or pass on information, makes public services more efficient by enabling staff to concentrate on the most complex actions, and strengthens the bond between citizens and their administration. To gain this trust, online services need to be secure, transparent, easy to use and tailored to individual needs. It is by meeting these expectations that governments can encourage more people to use these digital tools and thus reduce the digital divide7.
The relationship between trust and the use of digital services is well known to researchers. In fact, in 1992 DeLone and McLean proposed a model (now called the D&M Information System Model) that establishes the relationships between six key dimensions of the success of information systems (IS): system quality, information quality, use, user satisfaction, individual impact and organisational impact. By analysing numerous studies, they demonstrated that these dimensions are interdependent and essential for assessing the overall success of an information system, and in particular that there is a direct link between user satisfaction and the use of the digital service concerned8. This widespread model was then refined with a view to implementing digital services that reinforce this link of trust.
How can we build trust in digital public services?
Recent models on trust emphasise the importance of the quality of information provided to users, the use of secure and controlled technologies, and respect for democratic principles in the country concerned. When citizens have the necessary digital skills, research shows a correlation between these factors and the adoption of digital services.
For example, the work of Thompson et al. shows that trust in the State’s digital services is initially based on trust in the government itself, before extending to digital technologies. This initial trust generally leads to user satisfaction, which in turn can encourage re-use of the service (Thompson, 2008). It is therefore crucial to forge a close link with citizens. Policies to open up data and algorithms, promoted by DINUM910, are a promising approach in this respect.
In addition, Alzahrani et al. enrich DeLone and McLean’s model by introducing the notion of the antecedents of trust, the feelings of citizens and the benefits associated with this trust11. To build trust, the authors stress the importance of the quality of digital services and systems. This approach is reflected in ambitious national initiatives such as the digital investment plan12 and the digital strategy13. In addition, the reputation of a service and the past experiences of users play a decisive role. A taxpayer who regularly uses “” without encountering any difficulties will be more likely to recommend this service.
However, factors specific to individual citizens, such as familiarity with digital tools or administrative procedures, also influence their adoption of online services. The report by the Défenseur des Droits [French rights watchdog] stresses that many people encounter difficulties in using online services14. Digital deployment, training and support plans are therefore needed to remedy this situation. The “France Services” centres, which offer local assistance, are an interesting initiative to facilitate access for the most vulnerable members of the public.
At the same time, the security of online services is a major issue. Security incidents, such as the one that occurred on “France Travail15”, can erode public confidence. It is therefore essential to strengthen the cybersecurity of public entities by drawing on the recommendations of the ANSSI and adopting new approaches such as penetration testing, bug bounty and red teaming1617.
Finally, Li and Xue propose an adaptation of the DeLone and McLean model to study post-use trust in public services in Chinese municipalities18. Their results confirm the importance of trust in the government, the Internet and the quality of services, while revealing that the perception of confidentiality and security plays a less significant role in this specific context.
What are the best practices for building trust?
To strengthen public confidence in the State’s digital services, it is essential to implement a set of best practices. One of the first requirements is to guarantee transparency of access to and use of information. To achieve this, government departments must provide clear and accessible information on the purposes for which data is collected and the security measures put in place, as required by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In addition, citizens must be informed of their rights (access, rectification, opposition) and how to exercise them19.
The ease of use of digital interfaces is also essential for building user confidence. A user who understands what they are being asked to do, and the purpose of a procedure will be more inclined to carry it out digitally, whereas a user who lacks this understanding will tend to seek human assistance to reassure themselves. Digital services must therefore be designed to be intuitive and ergonomic, taking into account the needs and skills of all citizens, particularly those with disabilities. The aim of the French State Design System is to harmonise the websites of French government departments, making them easier for users to understand and enabling multiple accessibility rules to be taken into account natively (contrast management, colour system, etc.).
Trust in the State’s digital services is initially based on trust in the government itself
It is also particularly effective to involve citizens in the design of new digital public services. The work of Brandsen et al. describes several use cases with this objective of association20: firstly, the use of digital platforms to facilitate social integration and access to public services in Sweden; then, the contribution of information and communication technologies to preserving the autonomy of the elderly in Flemish municipalities; and finally, the use of wearable technology and smartphones for remote health monitoring of Hungarian patients suffering from chronic heart disease.
To improve the confidence of private or third-party organisations (associations, professional bodies, etc.) in digital public services, public services need to put in place quality indicators to assess and continuously improve them. Indicators can relate to satisfaction with each digital service, the level of availability of applications, the number of security incidents, the response time to user requests, and so on. In addition, this trust must also be deepened in qualitative terms, with the provision of clear and comprehensive documentation to facilitate the use of services, and the establishment of discussion channels to enable exchanges around each digital solution, to inform of scheduled maintenance or incidents encountered, improve products, correct anomalies and anticipate new needs.
Digitising public services: a major step forward
With this progress comes a fundamental challenge: establishing trust between the designers and users of public services. To achieve this, it is necessary to meet a number of expectations: to offer complete transparency in the way data is used, to offer digital services that are ergonomic and easy to use, to guarantee the security of systems and associated data, and to meet the specific expectations of users, whether they are citizens, public servants or businesses. Building trust therefore requires an approach that continuously integrates technological aspects with more organisational and human dimensions.
In addition, building trust naturally requires the implementation of best practice in the areas of inclusion and accessibility, since public services are primarily intended to provide a service to vulnerable people. In addition, particular attention must be paid to the security of data, systems and communications to ensure that all users can be confident that digital public services offer a better service than the procedures that preceded them. In this way, digital technology is transforming the way in which public services are delivered, combining immediacy, ubiquity and simplicity while raising the level of trust. This is why cyber security plays a fundamental role in preventing incidents that could destroy, slow down or tarnish the reputation of digital public services.
In conclusion, trust in digital public services cannot be dissociated from trust in the State itself. It is by investing in strategies for transparency, collaboration and security that governments can encourage the adoption of digital tools. It is a process that, while complex, is fundamental to building an e‑Government that is both sustainable and inclusive.