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Young people facing the challenges of our time

5 episodes
  • 1
    Declining grades: physical activity to the rescue?
  • 2
    Young people and war: a renewed patriotism?
  • 3
    Screens and young people: why we need to take action
  • 4
    Has the mental health of young people really deteriorated?
  • 5
    How to manage children's relationship with screens
Épisode 1/5
On February 20th, 2024
6 min reading time
Boris Cheval
Boris Cheval
Assistant Professor of Psychology at ENS Rennes

Key takeaways

  • In almost 20 years, France’s results in the PISA rankings have fallen sharply, mainly in mathematics and literacy.
  • The academic performance of French pupils is influenced by several factors, including economic, social, educational and cultural capital.
  • Research has shown that physical activity almost doubles cognitive and academic performance.
  • In addition to these results, sport offers numerous advantages: no side effects, benefits for physical and mental health...
  • The ideal physical activity to improve school performance is rather intense, practiced collectively, requiring balance, coordination and learning.
  • These practices challenge the image of the ideal classroom (seated and calm), and only systemic and structural changes will enable their development.
Épisode 2/5
On October 16th, 2024
4 min reading time
Anne Muxel
Research Director of Sociology and Political Science Research at CNRS (CEVIPOF/Sciences Po)

Key takeaways

  • Half of young people in France believes that a war on French soil is possible, whether civil, global or nuclear.
  • Six out of 10 say they would be prepared to enlist in the event of a major conflict involving France.
  • Young men are more likely to show a willingness to enlist, but the proportion of young women is high (46%).
  • The 18–25-year-old generation has a close relationship with the military world, nurtured in particular by family transmission of war memories, school knowledge and fictional productions.
  • While mistrust of public authorities is on the rise, confidence in the military institution remains at a very high level, for this generation as for its elders.
  • Young people have a vision of war as deadly and destructive, and the Second World War is the reference matrix that prevails when it comes to imagining the wars of tomorrow.
Épisode 3/5
On November 6th, 2024
6 min reading time
Catherine Rolland
Catherine Rolland
Project Manager for the Science and Video Games Chair at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris)

Key takeaways

  • In 2024, a commission of experts appointed by the French President published a report aimed at establishing a scientific consensus on the impact of screens on young people's health.
  • In particular, the report condemned the phenomenon of “techno-conferencing” among children aged 0-3, i.e. the interposition of a screen in parent-child relationships, which can affect their development.
  • Another deleterious effect concerns the impact of blue light (particularly when it comes from below the eyes) emitted by screens on eyesight: it encourages short-sightedness, disrupts sleep and contributes to a more sedentary lifestyle, affecting physical capacities.
  • When surfing the Internet, young people can be exposed to shocking content, harassment, sextortion and deepfakes.
  • To tackle these problems, young people need to be educated about social networking by schools, health professionals, parents and the relevant ministries.
Épisode 4/5
On April 16th, 2024
4 min reading time
Guillaume Bronsard
Guillaume Bronsard
Child and adolescent psychiatrist at Université de Bretagne Occidentale

Key takeaways

  • Since 2020, a number of national and international reports and organisations have been warning of an increase in psychological suffering among children and adolescents.
  • This increase in the need for psychiatric care can be partly explained by the Covid-19 crisis, which has made young people who were already vulnerable, even more so.
  • Young girls are particularly affected by internalised disorders.
  • The situation is deteriorating, but only for a minority of them, who need more and better help than before.
  • The false impression of “generalised deterioration” can be explained by a better understanding of mental health issues.
  • For a number of years, child psychiatry has been faced with a major shortfall in the provision of mental health care, leading to a saturation of reception facilities.
Épisode 5/5
On January 22nd, 2025
4 min reading time
Grégoire Borst
Grégoire Borst
Professor of Psychology at Université Paris Cité

Key takeaways

  • A report submitted to the French President in 2024 highlights the delay in public policies to regulate the use of screens by young people.
  • To date, prolonged use of screens is not officially recognised as addictive, partly because of the wide range of practices it encompasses.
  • A child left alone in front of the television can develop language problems, whereas watching television with an adult has positive effects on language development.
  • The main harmful effect of screens is their impact on sleep, which can lead to health problems such as cardiovascular disease and depression.
  • Co-viewing and supervising young people’s use of screens is essential, particularly to protect them from inappropriate content on the Internet.