Nobel Prize in Physics 2022, Professor at the Institut d'Optique Graduate School (Université Paris-Saclay) and Professor at École Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Key takeaways
Since the 20th Century, quantum physics has revolutionised our understanding of the fundamental principles of physics (matter, electric current, chemical bonds, etc.).
In practical terms, quantum physics makes it possible to study and control individual microscopic objects.
Over the last twenty years or so we have been witnessing the “second quantum revolution”, driven by the discovery of the principles of the isolation and entanglement of quantum objects.
Once developed, the quantum computer promises to transform the modern world in many areas.
Tomorrow's challenge is to train more people in quantum physics to develop this field of research.
CNRS Research Director in Quantum Physics and Professor at Ecole Polytechnique (IP Paris)
Key takeaways
Researchers are attempting to model the behaviour of ‘quasi-periodic’ materials, which are too complex to be described on the atomic scale.
They are studying what happens when interactions between atoms lead to the appearance of new quantum phases such as Bose glasses.
Entanglement is a quantum phenomenon that makes it possible to determine the state of a particle simply by measuring that of its entangled partner.
To achieve quantum advantage, quantum computers need to work with at least a few hundred thousand qubits.
The main obstacle to progress is quantum decoherence: this results from the interaction of qubits with their environment, which destroys their entanglement.
Doctor in Nuclear Physics and Columnist at Polytechnique Insights
Key takeaways
Quantum physics makes it possible to explain the behaviour and interactions between particles, as well as the forces that drive them.
The quantification of energy exchanges between electrons in matter has led to several fundamental innovations, without which our modern technology would not exist.
We use quantum physics in our everyday lives, for example with lasers, fibre optics and LEDs.
Quantum theory can also be used to explain natural phenomena such as the colour of the sky or even photosynthesis.
A second quantum revolution has been underway since the end of the 20th century, taking our technologies to a new level.
Professor at Ecole Polytechnique, Quantum Physicist and Researcher in the Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics (PMC*)
Key takeaways
Unlike conventional computers, qubits can represent both 0 and 1. They perform several calculations at the same time thanks to their superimposed state, speeding up the resolution of complex problems.
At present, a quantum processor is still at the exploratory stage: it takes up a lot of space and the sophisticated optics needed to control the qubits consist of lasers, lenses and mirrors.
For a quantum computer to work, it must be able to correct the errors caused by the imperfect nature of current hardware, which prevent the final result of the calculation from being achieved.
The quantum computer will not replace the personal computer or the smartphone, and its first customers will certainly be governments and large companies rather than the general public.
Doctor in Nuclear Physics and Columnist at Polytechnique Insights
Key takeaways
We already use quantum physics in our everyday lives, but the second quantum revolution could make it possible to apply it to industry.
Spintronics manipulates the spin of electrons rather than their electrical charge to dramatically reduce the power consumption of components.
Quantum technology gives sensors the ability to measure minute signals with excellent resolution, opening up new fields of application.
The fields of application for these sensors are extensive, ranging from the geosciences to life sciences and inertial navigation.
The medical field has also made the quantum leap: the way in which the molecules in drugs interact with those in living organisms is being studied through “quantum chemistry”.
Head of the Engineering and Digital Innovation Division at the Prime Minister's Office
Jean Langlois-Berthelot
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Head of Division in the French Army
Key takeaways
While quantum computing is a major technological revolution, it also represents an unprecedented threat to digital security.
A quantum computer could, in a matter of hours, solve asymmetric encryption algorithms (which secure electronic communications)
that would take conventional computers thousands of years to solve.
The development of such machines could have disastrous consequences for governments (industrial espionage, manipulation of elections, etc.).
It is therefore imperative that governments adopt post-quantum cryptography by developing encryption algorithms that are resistant to quantum attacks.
To guarantee the security of government services, a thorough assessment of the risks associated with quantum technologies must be carried out.
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