π Industry π Science and technology
Where are all the 3D printers we were promised?

“Obstacles must be overcome before 3D printing can see mass production”

Annalisa Plaitano, science communicator
On March 31st, 2021 |
2 min reading time
Sumeet Jain
Sumeet Jain
Senior Director, 3D Printing Worldwide at Arkema
Key takeaways
  • 3D printing provides many advantages for industry: digitisation and decentralisation of production, product customisation and optimisation of inventory management, to name a few.
  • But there are still a number of shortcomings that stand in the way of its widespread use: price per unit, scarcity of materials and sometimes limited reliability.
  • Arkema has therefore developed a new continuous-fiber 3D printing technology with start-up company Continuous Composites to make this production method more sustainable, in particular by reducing costs and waste.

What are the pos­si­bil­i­ties and chal­lenges for 3D print­ing in the com­ing years? What is it still lack­ing to enter the mass pro­duc­tion market?

Sumeet Jain. Addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing has evolved con­sid­er­ably over the last decade, par­tic­u­lar­ly in terms of the mate­ri­als avail­able. Nev­er­the­less, there are still obsta­cles to over­come if indus­try is to adopt 3D print­ing for mass pro­duc­tion. These include lack of pro­duc­tion grade mate­ri­als, prod­uct reli­a­bil­i­ty and repeata­bil­i­ty, post-pro­cess­ing and cost per part. 

How­ev­er, man­u­fac­tur­ers in var­i­ous sec­tors do now recog­nise the untapped poten­tial of this tech­nol­o­gy, and are work­ing to over­come these chal­lenges. 3D print­ing enables digi­ti­sa­tion and decen­tral­i­sa­tion of pro­duc­tion, which increas­es design free­dom, prod­uct cus­tomi­sa­tion, sim­pli­fi­ca­tion of the sup­ply chain and opti­mi­sa­tion of inven­to­ry management.

We real­ly got to see the poten­tial of addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, par­tic­u­lar­ly when it proved to be a for­mi­da­ble way to accel­er­ate the devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of cer­tain prod­ucts. This impe­tus is like­ly to increase the reli­a­bil­i­ty of addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing in the com­ing years, notably through tech­no­log­i­cal advances and avail­abil­i­ty of pro­duc­tion scale materials.

Does addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing increase sustainability?

Addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing is com­pat­i­ble with an indus­try that is sus­tain­able not only from a busi­ness per­spec­tive, but also from a tech­no­log­i­cal and health per­spec­tive. Its free­dom of design allows pro­duc­tion of lighter objects and reduces unnec­es­sary con­sump­tion of start­ing mate­ri­als. In addi­tion, it allows opti­mal use of machine tools and the man­u­fac­ture of cus­tomised prod­ucts such as pros­the­ses, den­tal implants, hel­mets and oth­er pro­tec­tive equipment.

As sus­tain­abil­i­ty is at the heart of our strat­e­gy, we also offer poly­mers pro­duced from biosourced polyamide pow­ders, and we are active­ly devel­op­ing biodegrad­able and recy­clable prod­ucts to improve the envi­ron­men­tal impact of 3D print­ed products.

You are work­ing with the Amer­i­can start-up Con­tin­u­ous Com­pos­ites to devel­op a new tech­nol­o­gy for print­ing con­tin­u­ous car­bon fibres with resins. What is your objective?

Arke­ma’s part­ner­ship with Con­tin­u­ous Com­pos­ites is a per­fect exam­ple of how col­lab­o­ra­tion between com­ple­men­tary exper­tise can accel­er­ate inno­va­tion. Con­tin­u­ous Com­pos­ites’ unique con­tin­u­ous fibre 3D print­ing tech­nol­o­gy uses Arke­ma’s ther­moset­ting resins (N3xtDimension®). This tech­nique enables us to pro­duce light­weight com­pos­ite mate­ri­als. In addi­tion, Con­tin­u­ous Com­pos­ites’ CF3D tech­nol­o­gy pro­duces less waste and requires less labour, pro­vid­ing a sus­tain­able alter­na­tive to con­ven­tion­al com­pos­ite manufacturing.

A large pro­por­tion of prod­ucts made using com­pos­ites (such as air­craft parts, For­mu­la 1 cars or sports goods) can be man­u­fac­tured in this way. CF3D tech­nol­o­gy can offer con­sid­er­able cost sav­ings, open­ing up 3D print­ing to com­mon appli­ca­tions, espe­cial­ly where com­pos­ites are not yet in use.

Will the use of addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing become widespread? 

The knowl­edge and dif­fu­sion of 3D print­ing is increas­ing day by day. Man­u­fac­tur­ers are increas­ing­ly look­ing for a tech­nol­o­gy capa­ble of respond­ing to requests for mass prod­uct cus­tomi­sa­tion. Addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing has already trans­formed cer­tain sec­tors such as the den­tal indus­try, which is rapid­ly con­vert­ing to dig­i­tal dentistry. 

Dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, the addi­tive man­u­fac­tur­ing indus­try has demon­strat­ed its abil­i­ty to col­lab­o­rate across bor­ders and share its exper­tise. Many essen­tial sup­plies, such as parts for res­pi­ra­tors, nasal swabs and visors, were pro­duced using 3D print­ing dur­ing the cri­sis to meet local demands. 

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